My mother told me when I was little to try for the things at the top of your list and then work your way down. That was some of her best advise. Going for it is really scary but so rewarding. Congratulations to you. Next hurdle is that you will have to perform in front of a crowd. From one scary challenge to the next, life can be so interesting.

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What great advice!! And yes, so scary haha!!! But also a thrill 🤩

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This is so inspiring! Good on you Karen! You walked through your fear and did it. You didn’t let your fear stop you. Be very proud of yourself. BRAVA!!! ⭐️👏

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Merci ! So scary!! But even if it hadn't worked out, I was so proud of myself for going through with it. I hope it will inspire someone else to go for their dreams! Greetings from Paris 🧚‍♀️

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Félicitations. C'est fantastique. Tu as un rêve et tu a pris une chance. Et avec cette chance - succès. Mon rêve est de parler en français meilleur et déménager en France. Maintenant je travaille pour ça.

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Merci et bravo !! Tu te débrouilles déjà très bien. C'est exactement comme ça que tu vas réaliser ton rêve. Bonne continuation--et selon moi--une vie en France, ça vaut la peine ❣️🇫🇷

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Oh my goodness! Congratulations Karen!! I love this story so much!! I am so inspired and so proud of you for pursuing your dream, even if it was terrifying! What a rush! I hope to see you perform when I make it to Paris! Singing has been a dream of mine as well…I love karaoke at home and am considering taking singing lessons. You have such a soothing speaking voice, I’m sure your singing voice is just as beautiful if not more!

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Watch out! You’ll be in a band too!!! 💃🏼🎤I have been finding great vocal warmups and exercises on YouTube but I think I might invest in some lessons also. And now I’ve got the crazy idea to buy a little electric piano. No, I don’t know how to play haha but I can try😎

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This is truly the most inspiring story. Thank you for sharing and thank you for pushing through your fears! Congratulations Karen 🙌🏻✨

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Little by little ! Thank you for this lovely note. It means a lot 😘😘

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Karen!!! This is amazing! You are full of surprises. I’m so excited for this - and to follow along with your adventures! Congrats!

Oh and I totally want to hear more about your virtual meetup and next plans! I had your get together on calendar but I had to help my mom who was getting a knee replacement! She’s doing great. Can’t wait to hear more about what you’re up to in Paris!

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Thank you !!! I sure surprised myself haha!!!

I hope your mom is doing well💕💕

I’ll email you the info and the replay—would love to have you 😘😘

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Fabulous all around!

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I laughed out loud reading that! Been there, done that.... At first I told myself, I won't actually climb it (El Capitan), I'll just study it for someday. Then, first time out there I said to myself, Well, I'll try one of the fixed ropes. Then later, I had a partner, so I said, Okay, I'll go up a few of the ropes. Then, well, ok, I'll train for it but.... Sound familiar!! We convince ourselves, baby step by baby step, à aborder l'impossible! And then, lo and behold, we have accomplished l'impossible!! Bravo, mon amie, grand bravo!!

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Merci and Exactly ! Even a giant rock wall can be taken in baby steps, as you have proven ❣️ And that deferred « no » will often get you to a yes!! 😘😘 Onward and upward !!

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You worked hard and earned it, what talent you must have! Congratulations Karen.

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That is a lovely thing to say, thank you!! For the moment I’m on Cloud 9!! Thank you for writing to me and greetings from Paris❣️

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Of course you can sing! It's part of your family heritage! Congratulations and buy something sparkle-y to wear on stage!

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Yes!!Aunt Missy I remember so well when you and your sisters would sing in the kitchen in Minster❣️I even told my husband about you and I hope we can see you someday 😘

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I hope so too!

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A wonderful story Karen! You are so multi-talented! Brava!

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Awww merci Pamela ! The thing is, I’m just willing to kind of go for it despite where I rank on the “Actual Talent Scale” — and I wish that willingness for others who might have a dream, whether or not they have experience or training. The idea is just “what’s the worst thing that can happen if I try for my dream?” Life is our chance to go for it, so why not? 😊

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Oh my God, I could not love this more! sing your heart out because the world needs music. don't worry about being a poor something, anything else, just focus on being a first rate version of the most amazing YOU. XX

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Merci chère Laurie, I am definitely on a little cloud over here. And yes, the time feels right to break into song rather than any of the other alternatives ha! bisous 😘🎶💕

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Karen - I cannot tell you how much I relate to this! I joined a choir last March, and when the choir picked up again after the summer, I also joined the more specialized chamber choir (much more high-stakes). To try to support this (and not feel like a total impostor), I joined the small vocal coaching class the choir offers, wherein we had to prepare a song, perform it solo, and get critiqued. Everyone was incredibly lovely and supportive even though I felt like I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.

Fast forward to January when, based on my "singing ability" from the chamber coir and voice class, a few people from the choir asked me to sing with a band they were forming. We had our first little show at a bar here in San Francisco, and I absolutely blanked on the lyrics of the two songs I was to sing with them...in front of an audience. Mortified, I took a break, came back and sang a jazz tune with our guitarist which felt much more comfortable and do-able.

We have another show this coming weekend and despite my stage fright, they asked me to sing again and I've chosen songs I'm really confident on this time. PLUS, there's a jazz combo part of the show and those gents asked me to sing some standards with THEM. So now I'm singing 8 songs in one show! Yikes. We rehearsed yesterday for the first time, and again all were so generous and sweet with me — the absolute amateur. I keep telling my friends that this is all so foreign and uncomfortable for me, but I'm going for it because the "edge" is where we all thrive. It's so weird and hard and exposed, but also feels exhilarating and good...

Be so proud of yourself! I know how hard this is and you're amazing — and in a different language too! (One of my goals is to sing Blossom Dearie's "Chez Moi" but really need to nail the lyrics... ;-)

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I love everything about this comment and the whole story!! Bravo You! How exciting and also I really appreciate your sharing that you stumbled a bit on your first performance but you came back and kept going--this is real success if you ask me, and everything we all need to know about trying and trying again! Thank you and wishing you all the best for your upcoming concert. It sounds fantastic! I'm trying to learn Chega de Saudade in Portuguese at the moment and I think I might be annoying the neighbors 🤭

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Bravo Karen!! Sounds like a great deal of fun and will be an amazing experience, I think!! I was sorry to miss the get-together and would love to join next time.


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Merci merci ! I will send you the info by email for our next two meet-ups (one is tomorrow Weds the 19th). Hope to meet you there!!

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Wow! I bow down to you. What courage! Congratulations!!!!!

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Haha I really was thinking of all the other women like me out there who also have a big scary dream, so I did it for me but also for all of us!! So I just hope you’ll go for your dream too💕💕💕

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This is brilliant!! Well done Karen. Thanks for much for sharing the story with me

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Thank you! I'm still over here on Cloud 9 and can't wait for my first "real" rehearsal with the band!! Dreams do come true 🥰

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I can't wait for the show! Tel us when you perform next!

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If I am brave enough!!! Thank you for your support💃🏼

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