Karen, Merry Christmas! The cabbage lasagna is exactly what I am looking for, I think I will try it tomorrow night! Sorry about the kaput knee, the Santa dress is still darling, wear it in spirit on the day! I think it’s time to lift weights 🏋️ and give up running for now. ❤️🩹🎄⛄️🎉 your SHS friend, Heather
You are so right and I feel guilty for even complaining when so many others have more serious problems. I am now doing much more strength training and I hope it helps. I just love the pleasure of running so much…we’ll see!! Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Joan Nathan (Jewish cookbook author) *freezes* her cabbage for cabbage rolls. Easier than a giant pot of boiling water. You can find her making it on youtube.
I’m sorry you’re bummed. I get it. I’m a walker/hiker in the beginning stages of setting up a new hiking focused travel to France company. Ahead of my October trip to France where I would be hiking almost everyday finding new trails, I developed Planter Fasciitis in my foot. It’s okay if you don’t know what it is, I didn’t either! I was bummed. My trip was planned there was no going back, but my foot was so painful. I soldiered on, I developed a whole self curated therapy schedule, and it worked! The biggest help was taping the foot like the gymnasts that were all taped up during the Olympics. I’m not sure if taping would help your hamstring heal but who knows? I am so happy I found you. We have a lot in common, I’m from Ohio, I’m 52 and starting over, France, etc…I’m just missing the falling in love part. I love reading what you’re up to. Sending you happy healing vibes from Ohio.
Hello fellow Buckeye! Thank you for this lovely message. Oh Plantar Fasciitis, I know ye well. Had it once, it took forever to heal until I found that little $2 spiky ball on Amazon which fixed it in one day (after almost six months of incredible pain, injections, you-name-it). Congrats on your cool new business! Also, falling in love can happen at any time. It was all a complete surprise to me. So happy you're hear and wishing you bonne continuation !
Merci ! It really is, and it's very easy to make and flexible depending on what type of meats you have on hand. If you try it, please let me know how it comes out. :-)
I'm so sorry about your running injury! Hopefully you will be back on form soon, but if you were to have to give it up, I'm sure you'd find another outlet. I preemptively gave up tennis at about 45 after 35 years of playing injury-free. Too many of my friends playing competitively at my age were starting to have knee and elbow problems...I decided to quit while I was ahead. But I wasn't as involved with it as you have been with running.
That cabbage lasagne recipe looks fabulous. I too love stuffed cabbage but as you point out, it is so easy to buy good ones from traiteurs and local producers, especially here in Aveyron where it's a local specialty -- as in a lot of areas of France, I get the feeling!
Thank you for the support!! I can’t yet even think about giving up running but of course you are right. There are always other options and other necessities. I’m still counting on my excellent doctors and my own resilience but if that doesn’t work over time, I know I’ll evolve. 💕
Karen, Merry Christmas! The cabbage lasagna is exactly what I am looking for, I think I will try it tomorrow night! Sorry about the kaput knee, the Santa dress is still darling, wear it in spirit on the day! I think it’s time to lift weights 🏋️ and give up running for now. ❤️🩹🎄⛄️🎉 your SHS friend, Heather
You are so right and I feel guilty for even complaining when so many others have more serious problems. I am now doing much more strength training and I hope it helps. I just love the pleasure of running so much…we’ll see!! Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
And I hope you like the lasagna—tell me how it goes!!💕
Joan Nathan (Jewish cookbook author) *freezes* her cabbage for cabbage rolls. Easier than a giant pot of boiling water. You can find her making it on youtube.
Oh thank you, I will check this out!!
The Santa run looks so fun! What a great idea!
Really like the cabbage recipe too! 🤗
Merci merci ! 🎅🏼💕 Greetings from Paris!
Always very nice to see your innovative recipes. Thank you!
I’m sorry you’re bummed. I get it. I’m a walker/hiker in the beginning stages of setting up a new hiking focused travel to France company. Ahead of my October trip to France where I would be hiking almost everyday finding new trails, I developed Planter Fasciitis in my foot. It’s okay if you don’t know what it is, I didn’t either! I was bummed. My trip was planned there was no going back, but my foot was so painful. I soldiered on, I developed a whole self curated therapy schedule, and it worked! The biggest help was taping the foot like the gymnasts that were all taped up during the Olympics. I’m not sure if taping would help your hamstring heal but who knows? I am so happy I found you. We have a lot in common, I’m from Ohio, I’m 52 and starting over, France, etc…I’m just missing the falling in love part. I love reading what you’re up to. Sending you happy healing vibes from Ohio.
Hello fellow Buckeye! Thank you for this lovely message. Oh Plantar Fasciitis, I know ye well. Had it once, it took forever to heal until I found that little $2 spiky ball on Amazon which fixed it in one day (after almost six months of incredible pain, injections, you-name-it). Congrats on your cool new business! Also, falling in love can happen at any time. It was all a complete surprise to me. So happy you're hear and wishing you bonne continuation !
*here haha
This looks absolutely delicious!
Merci ! It really is, and it's very easy to make and flexible depending on what type of meats you have on hand. If you try it, please let me know how it comes out. :-)
I'm so sorry about your running injury! Hopefully you will be back on form soon, but if you were to have to give it up, I'm sure you'd find another outlet. I preemptively gave up tennis at about 45 after 35 years of playing injury-free. Too many of my friends playing competitively at my age were starting to have knee and elbow problems...I decided to quit while I was ahead. But I wasn't as involved with it as you have been with running.
That cabbage lasagne recipe looks fabulous. I too love stuffed cabbage but as you point out, it is so easy to buy good ones from traiteurs and local producers, especially here in Aveyron where it's a local specialty -- as in a lot of areas of France, I get the feeling!
Thank you for the support!! I can’t yet even think about giving up running but of course you are right. There are always other options and other necessities. I’m still counting on my excellent doctors and my own resilience but if that doesn’t work over time, I know I’ll evolve. 💕