Oh Karen, just embrace this with all the gusto that is your own personal way. I often ask myself, when in my own personal pinch, "what would Frau Bussen do?." (sorry, should say Madam B., but old dear times have kept deep in my heart) and then i muster with as much aplomb and can-do insouciance and moxy and just plain cheerful surge as possible, always hoping to pull off even a fraction of the innate beauty and grace and eye for detail you also bring to bear at every turn. Did i mention a sense of humor? Well, there is also that, so important. But also, you have truly a fair bit of time to do a proper bit of groundwork, which is also your style. Get a voice coach to work with you and help you build some tools and tricks as well as your confidence. and then knock their socks off. or rather, just have a great wonderful time as a chanteuse. could not love this more!

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Great, give her all the motivation she needs ! We’ll push her forward into her new musical career ! She can’t say no anymore !

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Awwww, chère Laurie you just made my whole 2025, so now it doesn't even matter if I can sing hahahahaha. But I do like the idea of something that makes me very nervous. What can they do to me if I'm terrible? Rien !

Also, you have plenty-o-moxy yourself, and by the way, you can call me Frau Bussen if you like because 1) women in France don't really take their husband's names and 2) My husband is Franco-Allemand, so technically ça marche ! Sending bisous from Paris xoxo

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If you can carry a tune, go for it! You have time, hire a vocal coach…have fun! Don’t dismiss the gift the universe provided. That is some powerful manifesting!

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Oui oui oui.

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What a fabulous way to look at it, merci ! I think I'm afraid of being afraid and that my fear will affect my singing. But you know what, you're right. 🧚‍♀️ 💕

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Karen, You are what the business refers to as “talent.” You have been creating stages for yourselves your whole life. Go and grab the limelight & let yourself shine!!!

And have lots of fun.

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Thank you for this! Great advice. Greetings from Paris :-)

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I'm in! Definitely do the singing. It will either give you an excuse to skip the boat trip or teach ol'B a thing or two about putting the singer before the band! That IS a joke about your husband volunteering you - you'll do great!

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Love it. The boat trip, oh Lord!!!! Basically I can blame him if I fail, and I'm gonna start calling him Ol' B too 😆

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If you don’t try, you will always wonder.

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This is exactly what I need to hear., merci ! But a question: if I fail, can I claim a victory for trying, even if the defeat is humiliating? 🙃😃

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Take on the rôle, forget everything else. Vous pouvez chanter🎙️🎤!!

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So beautifully said, thank you! 🎯

We have to face our deepest fears (for me that’s “not winning” or “disappointing people I love”) on the way to just creating a life of possibility, no? Maybe the lesson, either way, will be interesting? And there will always be a funny story to tell!

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Hi Karen. You have been on a wild ride thus far. Why stop now? Go for it! As I sit safely ensconced in my private home singing live for no one. But it does feel like it’s meant to be…

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Ahhhh, dangit (there's the Ohioan in me coming out) you're right! And even though you're not currently singing live, I'm sure there's something else you're working on (or that you'd like to work on) that gives you just a bit of butterflies 🦋 🦋, no? I so appreciate the support--merci bien ! 💐

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Remember that you have described yourself as a risk-taker and enjoy your singing opportunity. You will be great.

Bon courage!

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Exactly! I'd say this is the most powerful argument that I try use on myself. Also I absolutely hate the idea of not doing something that you really want to do just because it's scary. Merci and on croise les doigts (fingers crossed) 🤞

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I've often heard it suggested -- usually by people with no experience of the situation -- that the best way to learn another language is to get yourself a significant other who speaks that language. The truth is that it only works if the significant other isn't also fluent in your language. If they are, then you'll likely end up just speaking your language together because it's the most efficient option. Good for you for not just taking the easiest path!

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Luckily I had loved the French language long before I met Monsieur B, so I already had a strong foundation. But I couldn't live in a foreign country without at least trying to learn their language because there is so much you miss about the culture, the humour and everyday life. Even though it's difficult at times (and I've cried about it more than once), I find it so fun and rewarding! Il reste beaucoup de choses à apprendre !

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Bon courage!

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If you don't give it a go, it's a certainty that you'll disappoint your love, his colleagues and perhaps yourself as well as zero chance of success; whereas, if you go for it, you're not certain to disappoint and the possibility of success exists. My vote is to commit and give it your all. Everyone will be rooting for you. :)

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Also, I'm interested in the opportunity you mentioned to connect about creativity, projects, etc. I live in Annecy (and hope to visit Paris for the first time in the next few weeks).

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Fantastic--noted and I'll email you separately in the coming days!

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When I read this, I first was like, Hell Yeah. Then I felt afraid again. I'm gonna try to go with the Hell Yeah. Merci 😊 🎤 🎶

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OK....so I voted for the "allez!" option, and that even took me 20 seconds too long, as I truly contemplated this situation. It made me sweat, frankly. Too many emotions, but here are some thoughts/questions:

1) ...But you haven't even agreed! My french husband does the same, and i don't like it at all. Is there not one shy french person in all of France?! (you're not shy, but I am, and this is what I"m truly wondering)

2) After 2 years here, I wonder if any Frenchie is insecure? Where is the self-doubt? In general, they seem to just throw themselves "out there".

3) I clearly need to adopt their mentality. Stop over-thinking. You are a strong woman! Can't wait to see the video you're going to share with us!

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Merci ! I appreciate that you actually thought about it, and you seem to have reproduced exactly the same reactions as I have when I really let myself consider it.

To your other points:

1) You're preaching to the choir, and every time I tell him that he just smiles his big wonderful smile at me and then I can't remember what I said

2) Haha this I wouldn't begin to debate :-)

3) Over-thinking may be overrated, ça c'est sûr (that's for sure)

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I thought your dilemma was having committed to speaking French with your husband all month! I think that is great...I mean, you're the one living in France and who needs to perfect your French.

Interestingly, you mentioned putting the burden on your husband to speak his second language, but we had an opposite situation. My French husband sometimes complains that we didn't speak English here, but as an English teacher, I was too exhausted from listening to poor English all day to hear any more mangled English in the evening. So we stuck with French.

As for you REAL dilemma, I checked "go for it" because that's the American way, right? But I'm actually not so sure. French music commitments can get very overwhelming. Think it over well.

Bonne soirée!

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Brava ! 😘😘

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I’m interested in the creativity event 😊

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Fabulous! I'll be sending you a note on Friday :-)

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Delightful read . And great fun French language review . Thanks

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Merci bien ! 🧚‍♀️💕

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I know you will be amazing! I will definitely be there (if possible)!

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Please include me in the creative get together! And as far as singing goes, I say, Allez-y! So inspiring that you are speaking only French this month. My husband and I try to have conversations but we are just beginning the process. We have now been in France only two months! We laugh a lot! Cheers!

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Bienvenue en France ! So very exciting and it gave me a sweet moment of remembering those first few months (whereas today I am doing "paperasse" (paperwork) for my carte de séjour renewal--not as much fun, but very necessary ha!)

Look for an email in the coming days about our meet-up online :-)

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